free Palestine

  • today someone got a job that i really wanted. i felt like shit and i cried a little. i felt cheated, like the universe owed it to me for having asked for it first. do i sound spoiled for thinking the universe owes me anything? a little self-centered, i guess. but then again, aren’t we all?

  • the other day i was driving down the highway, blasting my favorite songs and i thought about that time when i was afraid of driving down the highway. and i started thinking about all those times where i’ve been scared of things that i now couldn’t live without. i thought about the time i was scared of heights but i parasailed anyways. i thought about the time i couldn’t dream of changing high schools and about the time i moved to a new country to go to college, and had one of the best years of my live. how many years do you think we waste while we’re scared? i wonder.